Reading, 10-year old PC

Apr. 4, 2023 Reading, 10-year old PC

Started reading a book which apparently tries to explain basic robotics theories through Science Fiction. Finished the first story which describes how telesystems work, five more to go. Maybe it’s just me but the first story was really boring. Let’s see what the rest of them is like.

Also got a 10-year old PC to play with. 3rd gen Intel Core i5, 16 GB of RAM and a modest GTX 650 graphics card. Surely was a pretty good pc at its peak, but now it’s just outdated for most purposes.

But Linux can still give it a new life. I’m gonna slap an el cheapo SSD on it, dual boot Ubuntu and Windows 10 so I can finally start learning ROS with Ubuntu and run some Windows-only software like Altium Designer on the Windows 10.

The computer was very well cleaned before it was given up by the owner. I like these Japanese people damn.