New motors

May. 14, 2024 New motors

Since the Voron V0 kit I bought was for, well, V0 - the motors were V0 spec too. Genuine high temperature motors from LDO, but V0 spec. And what happened between V0 and V0.2 is that they changed the specifications to beefier A/B motors, a different extruder motor and a Z motor with an integrated leadscrew. An entirely different set of motors, basically.

Initially I wanted to build V0, because I was scared that finding out what changed between 0.2 and 0 and buying new stuff as needed would be too overwhelming.

But one look at the manual of V0.2 made me change my mind. V0 was pretty much very first version, so there were a lot of improvements in 0.2. But what improved massively was the manual. It was no longer a bunch of diagrams and just “go figure it out”, but actual instructions. Even the CAD model was so much better.

Technically, I could still get away with just buying the extruder motor as the A/B motor would still fit the mounts, and the Z axis - I could leave that part as V0 spec and build the rest of the printer as V0.2.

So I went online and luckily found a set of V0.2 motors on an auction. They’re pre-owned but unused, so I got them for half the price. Although they’re from Siboor and Siboor doesn’t make motors (probably?) so I’m guessing it’s some no-name brand…but that’s okay. In case I outgrow the motors, I can always upgrade down the road.

Still haven’t decided whether to sell off the LDO motors or keep them around for future projects. Would be fun to have steppers around. Let’s see.

Gonna have to reprint most of the parts. I’ll get a new roll of ABS.