Fixed, CNC again

Apr. 6, 2023 Fixed, CNC again

Managed to fix the dual-booting Windows issue. Disabled fast booting. Deleted the key signatures from BIOS and reinstalled them, then reinstalled GRUB and MBR (Master Boot Record) from Ubuntu. Not sure how that helped but after that Windows started booting fine. Maybe deleting the key signatures helped?

Worked on the CNC machine after quite some time. We’re getting pretty close to the completion of the assembly. Today we installed the LED on it and made a list of what to do next.

We also needed to guide the wire of the LED through a thin cable housing, which needed some strong wire that we didn’t have. So Thomas improvised and used a bit of string attached to some PLA filament using heat shrink. It was pretty creative.

Surprisingly, the rubber feet of the CNC machine was attached to the machine using double-sided tape even though there are screw holes - and even the manual was suggesting using double-sided tape although it was clear that they should have been screwed down. Anyway, we’re gonna get some sockethead screws and do that.