Coding, printing, CNC, piano-playing robot

Mar. 10, 2023 Coding, printing, CNC, piano-playing robot

For the last few weeks, my piano-playing robot project had been collecting dust because I got stuck with the coding. Today, I had my teammate (who’s a better programmer than me) take a look at it, walked him through what I’ve done so far and explored a few approaches together. He’s gonna be working on the algorithm, while I’ll be helping him translate the algorithm into actual Arduino code.

Started the print of a model rocket today, excited to see how it’ll turn out. Also uploaded another g-code onto the CNC machine to check if I fully understand how to do it. It worked fine, yay!

The last few days went pretty slow, but today was productive. Last time I lost my streak during the weekend, let’s see if that happens this time too. I don’t wanna force myself into maintaining the streak so yeah.